
Wednesday 30 April 2014

index» What You Need To Know About Shoulder Overuse Injury

What You Need To Know About Shoulder Overuse Injury

By Tim Brown

If you engage in a type of work or a hobby requiring repetitive arm motion, you may develop shoulder overuse injury. If you are a victim of shoulder overuse injury, you are aware that it causes intense pain.

Our high-tech society, where we repetitively click a mouse or play games on the computer contributes to shoulder overuse. Even the medical profession isnt immune to shoulder injuries caused by years of pulling, tugging and lifting patients. Golfers consistently stress rotator cuff muscles.

Shoulder Structure

Your shoulder provides the link between three bones. These are the humerus bone in the upper arm, the collarbone or clavicle, and the shoulder blade or scapula.

These bones are surrounded by tendons, muscles and ligaments that form portions of two important joints: the acromioclavicular joint is located between the clavicle and scapula; between the glenoid and humerus is the glenohumeral joint.

Rotator cuff injury is a frequent ailment that arises from overuse of the shoulder. The three most common disorders of the rotator cuff are rotator cuff impingement syndrome, tendonitis, and tearing.

The Rotator Cuff

Your rotator cuff consists of four muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Working as a team, the rotator cuff muscles help stabilize your shoulder joint. Four smaller tendons bond to fashion the rotator cuff tendon. In turn, the rotator cuff tendon connects to the humerus or upper arm bone.

The rotator cuff tendon runs through the subacromial space, which is a gap under the acrominon. The acrominon is the highest point of the scapula or shoulder blade.

Shoulder Impingement

Impingement, in laymans terms, means pinched. Pinching of shoulder joints can be caused by repetitive movements using incorrect methodology or trying to do too much at a time. Injuries from overuse take place over a period of time.

When tendons become impinged, this can induce inflammation known as tendonitis. Impingement of the rotator cuff tendon can occur where the tendon goes through the subacromial space.

Another common result of overuse is bursitis. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that helps to protect bones and tendons. A bursa can also become inflamed when pinched.

What are Common Symptoms of Shoulder Overuse?

If your rotator cuff is damaged, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

- You have problems moving your shoulder in one or more directions. - Pain in the shoulder makes sleeping difficult. - You are experiencing shooting pains that affect the back or front of the shoulder. - You feel muscular pain in your shoulder and upper arm. - You feel muscular pain in your upper arm on the outside.

As your shoulder overuse injury developed over a period of time, symptoms occur progressively and worsen without treatment:

1) The top or front of the shoulder are hurting you. 2) Your shoulder aches each morning when you wake up. 3) There is swelling or numbness in the shoulder, or you have a tingling sensation. 4) Pain increases when you lift or extend your arm. 5) You have difficulty moving your arm freely. 6) The muscles in your shoulder are weaker.

Treating Shoulder Injuries

Non-invasive treatment is preferred for shoulder injuries. You should rest and avoid repetitive activities. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually taken for 6-8 weeks under doctor supervision. Cold therapy can also be beneficial.

Improving blood flow to the damaged tissue by means of ultrasound might also be recommended by your doctor. Physical therapy given by a qualified therapist can be beneficial, and your doctor may suggest cortisone injections.

If these treatments fail to cure the condition, it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

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