
Sunday 20 April 2014

index» Easy Ways to Assess Your Health

Easy Ways to Assess Your Health

When seeking to understand and evaluate your health, there are some key things we should all look at. Strength, height and weight, clothes size, and stress levels just to name a few. And while these things certainly matter, there are some other pieces of the wellness pie that we need to consider when looking at holistic health. Check them out below.

 Essential Numbers

When was the last time you had blood work done? Have you been putting off your yearly physical because you are afraid of what your doctor might say? It is critical that you know and understand your own personal health as indicated by blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Knowing these will help you establish an effective plan for better health and wellness, and it will give you a baseline from which to base your progress. So educate yourself, and aim for healthy ranges.

Recovery Time

How long does it take you to bounce back from a tough workout, from climbing a set of stairs, from doing 20 jumping jacks? Knowing how quickly you recover and regain a normal, unlabored breathing pattern can be a great indicator of your current fitness level. If you are huffing and puffing for minutes post-workout, keep up the good work and shoot for progress. If you can go for a hike and maintain stable breathing, you might be better off than you thought. Whatever your current state of health, there is always room for progress or different goals.

Waist Circumference

Waist circumference can indicate your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Seek the help of a medical professional in identifying what is appropriate for your height and frame. Belly fat seems to be the most dangerous, as it is strongly associated with the chronic diseases mentioned above. So work on getting stronger, leaner, and holistically healthier. Consult your chiropractor for a wellness plan today!

Sleep Time

Are you getting enough sleep each night? If youre sacrificing sleep to get up early for work or a workout, you may be doing your health a disservice. Being tired and worn out is not a sign of good health. Sleep is an essential part of the wellness puzzle, which is why getting a solid seven hours minimum each night is crucial for health. If you are not properly rested, it can affect your performance at work and at the gym. Setting up a routine bedtime is a great way to train your body to get an appropriate amount of rest, giving you the energy you need to make it through the day.

Always consult your physician or other health care professional before seeking treatment or taking related advice herein.

This article was written for The Joint McDowell Mountain Ranch at 15035 N Thompson Peak Pkwy e103 Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Click chiropractor Scottsdale for more locations near you.

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