
Thursday 1 May 2014

How Do I Lose The Weight I Want

This question is asked by many people at some point in their lives. As we get older we become heavier as our bodies change or our lifestyle changes. Our metabolism slows down. We slow down and as we do, we gain weight.

Many diets are suggested to help us reduce this excess weight and for some people they will work, but be aware that some diets are dangerous as they are lacking in proper nutrients that our bodies need. They may also be boring or expensive which is why many people dont stay on them for a long time.

If you really want to lose weight, there are some steps that you can incorporate into your life now which will let you reduce weight at a slow sustainable pace.

To start, you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. These are low in calories (usually) and contain fibre which gives you a full feeling. They also contain vitamins and other elements essential not only for weight loss but for overall good health.

Drinking water is another key to weight loss. Water again, fills you up so you wont eat as much during your meals. Water also helps the body to flush out any toxins and waste that your body produces.

You should also eat protein, mainly from meats. Protein is essential for good health and helps build lean muscle which burns fat in your body. Muscles work harder which means that they require more energy which can be produced from your bodys fat store.

Avoiding some types of carbohydrates is also a good strategy to help you lose weight. Now you do need some carbohydrates in your diet as well as some fat as they help the body to function properly. Too many carbohydrates such as bread, cereals and many snack foods are not the type of carbohydrates that your body needs.

You also need to exercise when on your weight loss plan. This doesnt need to be strenuous exercise, simple brisk walking is fine as long as you do it for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. A walk after dinner or walking to work or school would be okay. If that is not possible, then just walking whenever the opportunity presents itself would be okay.

Keeping a weight loss journal is a very good idea to help you lose weight. Many people are unaware of what they eat on a daily basis. By keeping a journal, you can see what foods need to be replaced by healthier choices.

By following these steps you can lose the weight you want and these changes can become a part of the necessary lifestyle changes that you can keep for a long time.

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Advanced Workouts For Abs and Core

Advanced Workouts For Not Only Abs and Core, but Full Body

I received a question today from a Sergeant who was looking for high intensity workouts with some work for abs, core, and full body to take his team of 30+ soldiers to a new level of fitness in preparation for their PT testing.
He basically said that the men had reached a plateau in their training and needed something really high intensity to take them to the next level.
My response is below...Keep in mind that this workout I gave him uses bodyweight-only exercises, however, it is VERY intense and for people looking for advanced fitness levels.
With that said, keep in mind that if youre not yet at an advanced level, you can still use this by simply using the basic format of the workout, and just do less of whatever exercises you struggle with, or choose an easier alternate exercise thats similar.
Here goes...
"Hi J****. To get your soldiers to that next level in their workouts, were going to keep the intensity super high here and use the whole body. Keep rest periods short, and use full-body multijoint movements as much as possible.
Ill give you a killer workout idea below that not only incorporates abs and entire core, but the entire body as well in an intense fashion. Not sure what (if any) equip you have available, so Ill give you a great workout thats bodyweight based. Heres an example to take your men through:
Start with a 2-3 min warmup of light jogging, jumping jacks, or jump rope.
Then, move through these exercises in circuit fashion, one right after the other with only 10 seconds rest between each (repeat the circuit 3-5 times for a killer total body workout):
1. bodyweight squats - 12 reps
2. plyo pushups (clapping) - 10 reps
3. walking lunges up 6 steps and back 6 steps
4. floor mountain climbers for 30 seconds
5. lunge jumps - 6 reps to each side
6. lying leg thrusts (abs) on floor - 12 reps
7. squat jumps - 8 reps

8. side plank hold 30 seconds one side, then 30 sec opposite side
Rest 2 min after each circuit; repeat circuit 3-5x

If that doesnt get them through the plateau and ready for the next PT test, nothing will!

If you want to check out a site that has over 5,000 workoutsevery goal imaginable, check this out: Thousands of Workouts
Also, grab a free report on the truth about losing body fat and abs workouts at Ab Workout Secrets, Abdominal Exercises

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Wednesday 30 April 2014

What You Need To Know About Shoulder Overuse Injury

By Tim Brown

If you engage in a type of work or a hobby requiring repetitive arm motion, you may develop shoulder overuse injury. If you are a victim of shoulder overuse injury, you are aware that it causes intense pain.

Our high-tech society, where we repetitively click a mouse or play games on the computer contributes to shoulder overuse. Even the medical profession isnt immune to shoulder injuries caused by years of pulling, tugging and lifting patients. Golfers consistently stress rotator cuff muscles.

Shoulder Structure

Your shoulder provides the link between three bones. These are the humerus bone in the upper arm, the collarbone or clavicle, and the shoulder blade or scapula.

These bones are surrounded by tendons, muscles and ligaments that form portions of two important joints: the acromioclavicular joint is located between the clavicle and scapula; between the glenoid and humerus is the glenohumeral joint.

Rotator cuff injury is a frequent ailment that arises from overuse of the shoulder. The three most common disorders of the rotator cuff are rotator cuff impingement syndrome, tendonitis, and tearing.

The Rotator Cuff

Your rotator cuff consists of four muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Working as a team, the rotator cuff muscles help stabilize your shoulder joint. Four smaller tendons bond to fashion the rotator cuff tendon. In turn, the rotator cuff tendon connects to the humerus or upper arm bone.

The rotator cuff tendon runs through the subacromial space, which is a gap under the acrominon. The acrominon is the highest point of the scapula or shoulder blade.

Shoulder Impingement

Impingement, in laymans terms, means pinched. Pinching of shoulder joints can be caused by repetitive movements using incorrect methodology or trying to do too much at a time. Injuries from overuse take place over a period of time.

When tendons become impinged, this can induce inflammation known as tendonitis. Impingement of the rotator cuff tendon can occur where the tendon goes through the subacromial space.

Another common result of overuse is bursitis. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that helps to protect bones and tendons. A bursa can also become inflamed when pinched.

What are Common Symptoms of Shoulder Overuse?

If your rotator cuff is damaged, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

- You have problems moving your shoulder in one or more directions. - Pain in the shoulder makes sleeping difficult. - You are experiencing shooting pains that affect the back or front of the shoulder. - You feel muscular pain in your shoulder and upper arm. - You feel muscular pain in your upper arm on the outside.

As your shoulder overuse injury developed over a period of time, symptoms occur progressively and worsen without treatment:

1) The top or front of the shoulder are hurting you. 2) Your shoulder aches each morning when you wake up. 3) There is swelling or numbness in the shoulder, or you have a tingling sensation. 4) Pain increases when you lift or extend your arm. 5) You have difficulty moving your arm freely. 6) The muscles in your shoulder are weaker.

Treating Shoulder Injuries

Non-invasive treatment is preferred for shoulder injuries. You should rest and avoid repetitive activities. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually taken for 6-8 weeks under doctor supervision. Cold therapy can also be beneficial.

Improving blood flow to the damaged tissue by means of ultrasound might also be recommended by your doctor. Physical therapy given by a qualified therapist can be beneficial, and your doctor may suggest cortisone injections.

If these treatments fail to cure the condition, it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

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Is Good Health Important to Physicians

To step aside from the topic of finance here and spend just a small amount of time on the concept of health. The reason why I think its so important that we have a brief discussion about this is that obviously the maintenance of your good health will mean that you are able to continue doing the profession of medicine without being interrupted. Obviously, we all cannot predict whether or not we will have an unforeseen health crisis. Yet, we can be logical and smart about taking good care of ourselves and actually practice preventative medicine on the worst patients in the population - us physicians.

Everyone needs to listen to me when I say become established with a regular primary care physician and then visit that physician on a yearly basis. I know everybodys busy. I know everyone knows everything about medicine. Blah blah blah. Go see a primary physician on a yearly basis! You need to have an objective opinion by someone that can monitor your health without bias. They will ask you the right questions and "review your systems" better than you can ever do. They will think of things that you dont think about.

Common medical problems can be diagnosed early versus late. For example, instead of having to take three separate medications for high blood pressure, all you have to take is one medication because you caught the disease when you are 35, not when you were 55. Go see your doctor!

A simple thought here: Fruits and Vegetables! Drink more water and less soda. Doing these things is not easy. It actually does take some thought and planning, however it is sooooooo healthy. Picture this (and I know that we all can). If you start doing this now, you wont be the old man or the old woman whos complaining about the fact that youre not regular. I had an old professor when I was in medical school who used to say that when you get old, all you really care about is having a good bowel movement. Dont be this guy!

Exercise if you are able. Any type of exercise on a regular basis is worthwhile. You dont have to do P90X. Just make sure that your doing something that increases your heart rate. My wife and I really enjoy running, but walking or bike riding is perfectly fine.

Stop smoking and drinking too much alcohol. If you are a physician and you smoke, I dont get it. Youve got to quit. Hopefully this is an obvious recommendation, however Im often very surprised at how many physicians Ive known who smoke. I just feel very fortunate to have never started that habit. But one thing I say to all smokers is that I believe the best way to stop is quitting cold turkey. All the people that Ive known that ever quit for good actually just quit cold turkey. In regards to alcohol, obviously moderation is the key.
Enough said.

So why am I preaching good health to the people that should know the most about good health? If Ive reached just one person with this topic with anything of value, Ive accomplished my goal. I want us all to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Live long and prosper!

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Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Common Uses of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a natural product produced from the tamarind fruit, which resembles a tiny pumpkin. The fruit contains tons of anti-oxidants and other ingredients that play an important role in combating fat.
Furthermore, the fruit helps to reduce the effects of aging. The anti-oxidants present are very important since they attack the free radicals responsible for causing disease and building fat cells that may be present in the body. Cambogia supplements are recommended for burning fat, suppressing appetite and boosting energy. According to respected nutritionists and medical doctors, the fully researched health benefits of garcinia are the main reason why the fruit is recommended to people looking for opportunities to improve their health naturally while seeking to stay fit over the long-term. The common uses of garcinia include:

· Popular cuisine
The garcinia is important to human beings because it is commonly used in cooking. Apart from being used in Ayurvedic medicine, garcinia has been a popular ingredient used in Indian cuisine for many centuries now.

· Management of weight
The key ingredient present in the garcinia in hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is widely used in weight control supplements. The HCA present in the fruit inhibits fatty acids from being formed and thus less fat is produced to the cells. Furthermore, according to studies, the HCA suppresses appetite. Over-the-counters weight loss supplements offer HCA in doses of 250 to 1,000 mg three times daily. The HCA is often available in different forms, including powders, capsules, snack bars and tablets. The garcinia supplements contain fixed percentages of HCA.

· Enhance emotional & mental health
Apart from supporting sustainable weight control and physical health, garcinia plays an important role in enhancing emotional and mental health- with these three being inherently interconnected. The fruit helps to support the regulation of stress hormone cortisol, which helps an individual to cope better with their daily stressful activities and boosting the levels of serotonin. The HCA present in the fruit helps to raise the serotonin levels in the brain cells. This important chemical helps to regulate the mood, sleep and appetite. The elevated levels play an important role in curbing hunger and eliminating food cravings. Therefore, by lifting depression, the serotonin reduces emotional eating habits that often lead to overweight tendencies.

The serotonin is critical in neurotransmitter, which plays an important role in balancing mood and generating a sense of happiness and wellbeing. Improved mental and emotional health is an important component in any weight loss program. Anyone looking for results within weeks can consider administering this powerful and natural extract.

We provide the best info about garcinia cambogia reviews. For further details please visit the provided link.

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Do You Need Media Fast

Fasting is defined as willingly abstaining from something for a period of time. It is most popularly used in the terms of food, but really can be applied to anything in life. Fasting not only gives us a chance to get away from something, but also the clarity and silence that may be needed in order to really figure out what is going on with our lives. 

So what is media fast?  Readers of this blog may have some kind of intermittent fasting experience.   For beginners, it may means not eating until noon. For others, it means only eating within an 8-hour window each day and fasting the other 16. Others fast for a full 24 hour period once a week.  As for myself, I eat once every 24 hours.  There are numerous other approaches as well.  

What about media fast?

In Hong Kong at the Mass Transit Railways stations, there are all kinds of announcements.  Recently I notice an interesting one – ‘please mind the steps when using the escalators, do not only look at your mobile phone’.  In deed, the way Hong Kong people get addicted to their iPhone, iPad, iPod, i…everything is in a somewhat morbid state.  I’ve seen someone when getting off a bus, his eyes were still on his phone with fingers moving, perhaps composing an email.  In fact, I don’t see anything that cannot be deferred for a few seconds in order to get off the bus safely or use the escalator in a more safely manner. 

Over a social dinner, there was almost no interaction between my friend and me, because her attention was only on her iphone and ipad…that’s why I could only propose buffet when she invites me to eat.  That way I can focus on food, and she can focus on anything she loves.  Isn’t the morbid usage of media seriously affecting our lives?   

In fact, the excessive use of media does not only happen in Hong Kong, it’s a worldwide scenario.  If you can live a better life going on food fasting, are you able to survive without media for a period of time at least each day and regain control of how you want to spend your time, in a more positive way?  Here are a few of my suggestions.

Computer Fasting:  Schedule your computer time as needed. Get on, check the emails, respond right away, delete or file, and keep that inbox clean. Read the sites you want to read and then move on. Do it once a day or twice a day. Don’t just come on all day long and wander around the internet, as you could easily waste a whole day and be less productive.
Email Fasting:  When holidaying, set out-of-office alert such as ‘I’m on holiday with no internet access.  If it is urgent please contact…’  Remember, it won’t be the end of the world if people cannot reach you.  There must be ways that things can move on without you.  My former boss used to take us to offsites where there were practically no mobile connection of any kind (except Inmarsat).
Cell Phone Fasting: Do not make phone call unless it is extremely time sensitive.  Only answer phone calls from important people, whom you are expecting them to call.  Turn off the phone for a few hours a day (at least when you are eating or meeting). These are precious moments in your life that could be used for whatever you want them to be, instead of just talking to people who are looking to kill some time and gossip. Nothing is that urgent.  Do not make excuses such as ‘what if someone calls to inform my house is on fire or the day care centre calls for emergency’.
News Fasting: Check the head pages of Yahoo or MSN in the morning and look at the headlines, anything that is important will be there. Click on it if you find something you want to know more, if not then you’re done for the day. No need to sit through 30 minutes of pure negative energy from the local news. Take control over what information comes into your life, and what does not!
TV Fasting:  Enjoy the shows you like, turn off the TV when they are over.

These are just a few example of how you can apply the practice of fasting to any part of your life. You could fast from negative people, eating out, drinking, information overload, etc and more. Take control of how you want to spend your time, and the only way to know what you want to do is take time to just rest and relax.

I’ve come across a consultant who worked with a university student who was failing her grades. After a review of her schedule and her life, there was no question she was overwhelmed. As a result, her studies were suffering. Her life was so noisy that she had no peace.

The consultant counseled her to fast from all unnecessary input, including some favorite activities. Here is her fasting list.
  1. Stop watching all TV.
  2. Stop all online surfing except for course papers and research purposes.
  3. Fast from Facebook; block all incoming social media notifications.
  4. Completely cease listening to her iPod. Remove those ear buds!
  5. Quit coffee; her caffeine intake was abusive.
  6. Check email only three times a day.
In just 2 weeks, this young woman went from frazzled to calm and peaceful. It was challenging at first, but she was counteracting an addiction.

That’s the point. If you can’t stop checking your email every 3 seconds or Facebooking for hours a day, you are addicted. Those activities can contribute to stress-related illness and cause people to feel overloaded.

If you don’t think you can get rid of the actions that are controlling you, you likely are hooked. It’s time to fast. Fasting can be an easy and effective solution.

Today, review your schedule and decide if you need a media fast.  
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Thursday 24 April 2014

Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days 9 Insider Tips To Help Reach Your Goal

By Tantjes Gumbs 

When it comes to weight loss it seems like everyone is looking for the fastest and easiest way possible to drop those extra pounds. It may be for a wedding or your high school or college reunion. For whatever reasons you are trying to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, you should also have a long term weight loss plan to follow so you dont end up gaining the weight right back.

I should tell you that 95 percent of those who go on these fast weight loss diets will end up gaining the weight right back and some gain even more. Yes you can lose 10 pounds in 7 days but what happens after the 7 days. After the college reunion, are you going to go back to your old eating habits? That is why it is important to set a 7 days weight loss plan and then a realistic plan that is easy to follow after you have lost the 10 pounds so you can either keep it off or lose even more weight.

Remember to consult your doctor before starting ANY weight loss plan.

With that said I will share with you 9 tips on how you can drop those 10 pounds in as little as 7 days.

1. Eliminate carbohydrates from your diet for 7 days.

So no rice, pasta, potatoes or breads. Carbs should never be eliminated from your long term weight loss plan. But if you want to lose 10 pounds fast try to cut out the carbs completely for the next 7 days only.

2. Eat lots of lean proteins such as fish and chicken breast.

This will help you feel full without the added fat and calories and gives your body the energy it needs.

3. Eat lots of leafy greens and vegetables.

Vegetables are low in calories, carbs and fat and they will keep you feeling full.

4. Drink Green Tea.

Green tea contains a chemical called EGCG. Research has shown that this chemical gives your body an energy boost and also lowers your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

5. Drink 1 cup of coffee with your breakfast and lunch.

The caffeine will help boost your metabolism.

6. Spice it up.

Adding spices such as Jalapenos and red/cayenne pepper to you food will also help boost your metabolism.

7. No Salt.

Salt makes your body retain water. If you are trying to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, then you dont want any unnecessary water weight added to you body.

8. Drink lots of water.

Research has shown that half of a litter of water can give you a 30% metabolic boost.

9. Get moving.

I do not recommend you do much heavy exercising when on this diet because you might get light headed because of the little amount of calories you are taking in. But try not to sit too still all day. Simple house work, gardening or a light walk will be enough to get some extra pounds off.

Your diet for the next 7 should look like this:

Breakfast: 3 to 4 egg whites with a bit of red pepper, coffee or green tea

Snack: A low sugar fruit or sugar free yogurt, green tea

Lunch: Lean Protein spiced with red pepper, steamed fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables, coffee or green tea

Snack: A low sugar fruit, green tea

Dinner: Lean Protein with red pepper, leafy green salad (can add tomatoes etc) no salad dressing, add lemon juice instead, decaffeinated green tea.

If you are struggling to Lose 10 Pounds, then take a look at my free ebook that will show you exactly what foods to eat in order for you to melt unwanted body fat away.
Claim Your Free eBook Now

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A Safe Way To Lose Weight

Women will do anything to lose weight, and sometimes women do things that are not healthy like trying dangerous diet drugs and also special powders that can be added to water that can help burn fat. However, what women fail to realize is that the ingredients in diet drugs are not good for the body, and taking them can seriously jeopardize a womans health. If a woman wants to lose weight then there are special paces she can go like a weight loss clinic, and at these clinics, a woman can lose all the weight she wants in a safe way.

Using a Weight Loss Clinic

The people who work at a weight loss clinic are experts when it comes to weight loss. The facilities that are designed to help people with weight issues have a lot of benefits to going to one. While at these specialized clinics, a woman can learn all about her own body and how to lose weight in a way that will not cause harm to her body. Here is more information on what a woman will learn about weight loss while at a clinic, and also what other lessons that those special clinics also teach:

Information about the body: The first step to weight loss is to understand all about the human body. When a human being eats, the food goes into the stomach, and then the process of digestion begins. From digestion, the food that a human eats then gets broken down, and then used by the body, and fat gets stored in various places like the stomach, hips, and thighs. A woman who wants to lose weight, and goes to a weight loss clinic, is going to learn all about how the human body uses food, and how the body can process the food, turns it into fat, and then stores it.

Information about nutrition: Not all food is the same, and the more a woman understands about food, the better she will eat. With the help of nutrition experts that work at a clinic, a woman can understand how food works in her body, and then together a woman and a food expert can come up with a nutrition plan that will include healthy meals, and how to prepare them so a woman can eat a good diet that will not only help her lose weight, but also keep her weight from going any higher once she has reached her goal weight.

Information about exercise: One of the best ways to lose weight is to exercise. However, not every exercise is good for every woman and her body type. The people at the weight clinics can talk to a woman about what she does to exercise her body, and then help create an exercise regimen that will maximize her weight loss.

A woman who is tired of her weight problem can seek out a weight loss clinic to help her. While at one of these special clinics, a woman can learn about her body, learn about food, and learn how to exercise to help her get to her goal weight.

Phoenix resident may find the following local website informative:
weight loss clinics in Phoenix

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Wednesday 23 April 2014

How To Protect Your Skin Through Proper Cleansing

In a previous article, we talked about and focused on cleansing and exfoliating of the outer skin as being the 1st step to feeling and looking like a million bucks. In this article we will talk about techniques to cleansing your skin.

But before we go into that, people often spend a lot of money purchasing and changing their cleansers in search of the best cleanser for their skin.

There are a lot of cleansers on the market and they are basically made up of a wetting vehicle, oil to dissolve grease and water to wash away dirt. The safe cosmetics video talks about the number of toxins that are in a lot of our everyday cosmetics. The bottom line is that its important to read the food labels and its just as important to read the cosmetic labels. Here are just a few chemicals that you should watch out for:

1. Sodium lauryl (or laureth) sulfate
2. Triclosan or Triclocarban
3. Phthalates
4. Parabens

Simple cleansing techniques

In the first article here, we talked about removing your make-up before you cleanse you wear make-up, you must remove your make-up first before you can properly cleanse your skin. I tend to use Chizu Saekis methods. Take a nickel size amount of cleanser in your hand, allow it to warm up and then apply to cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Starting on your chin spread the cleanser from your chin towards the base of your ears.

Next, with your hands on each side of your nose, work your way outward towards your ears, then to the inner corners of your eyes and spread toward your temples. Alternating your hands, slide from the tip of your nose up along the bridge of your nose to your forehead and then outward from the middle of your forehead to your temples.

Return to your forehead and work your way back down your nose. Afterward, gently cleanse the sides of your nose, the wings of your nose and around your nostrils. Finally, cleanse around your mouth and wipe your face with a wet cotton pad.

Taking off your make-up

Taking the time to take your make-up off before you cleanse your face can really work in your favor and not doing so can cause your skin to become clogged and breakout. You can use natural baby wipes or a good make-up remover.

Using make-up remover moistened cotton pads that have been folded into a triangle, apply the fold along the bottom of your eyelid and with another moist sheet (eyes closed), brush the eye make-up down toward the cotton sheet at the bottom of the eyelid and away from the top eyelid. Next, use a cotton swab soaked in make-up remover and remove mascara with the same movement as the eye make-up.

Then wipe away any excess that remains. Use the same care to remove lipstick and you will get more thorough in your make-up removal.

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How To Lose 20 Pounds In One Month Proven!

Note: This diet may be too extreme for some people use at your own caution but you will see results guaranteed!

Yes! I did lose 20 pounds in one month and so did my mom and my sister. This is a guide I came up on my own after reading all over the Internet for tips. I used the tips that I thought made most sense and also asked my friends with their experience.

It will be hard but think of how your life will change after losing 10,20, or even 30 pounds. This system can be used no matter how much weight you want to lose, I lost 20 pounds in one month with it, who knows what you can do with this.

Be committed! - If you really want to do this you must be committed, just for a month follow my steps knowing youre going to love your results.

Step 1: Diet! 

This is the most important part of the process. You need to have a good healthy diet for the next 30 days.
It will be hard at first but again just think of the results! I recommend having bowl of hot cereal for breakfast something with about 150-300 calories; a link for the hot cereal i ate will be posted below. For lunch always have grilled chicken! Two or three chicken breasts a little seasoned and then grilled would be perfect.

For dinner you can have a serving size bowl of cereal, Special K* recommended and a probiotic yogurt. If possible same serving of chicken like you had in lunch would be even better


Breakfast: Instead of having hot cereal you can have a protein shake, or a protein bar combined with a healthy yogurt.

Lunch: I dont recommend replacing anything with grilled chicken for lunch since its high in protein and will curb your appetite and very low in calories. Chicken is easily the best part about this diet.

Dinner: Instead of having cereal or chicken you have fat free frozen yogurt from red mango or from your towns frozen yogurt store.
Step 2: Exercise

Yes of course every proven system includes exercise. But you only need to do one type of exercise and for only 20-25 minutes a day. Run! Either run on the treadmill consistently for 20-25 minutes or outside, around the block, it could be anywhere. Just consistent running for 20-25 minutes thats all you need! How often?
Exercise 2 days and take 1 day for resting.

Step 3: Water

You need to drink lots of water! I recommend having at least half of a half a gallon everyday in the first 10 days and then increase it to a gallon a day in the next 20 days. Water helps clean out your system and is one of the easiest things you can do to lose weight. Throughout this diet you cannot have any liquid besides water.

To Start Losing Weight Immediately

If you want to see even faster results, I recommend purchasing the product above just because it gives so much more information then I have given. That product combined with this guide is guaranteed! Like i said diet is the most important aspect of weight loss and now you can start right away:)


Hot Cereal: Quaker Oat Bran Hot Cereal
Cereal: Special K Almond, Chocolate, etc
Yogurt: Activia Probiotic Yogurt
For More Weight Loss Tips and Programs,
Please Visit

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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Skin Care for the Changing Seasons

By Trudy Albert 

How to take care of my skin in changing seasons

Just like nature, our skin changes with the rhythms of the seasons. It reacts to the humidity levels, UV rays, wind, cold and heat. It is exposed to dust, dirt and pollution on a daily basis.

Your skin continuously produces sebum (oils) and sweat. The skin also constantly generates new skin cells at the lower layer (the dermis) and sends them to the surface (the epidermis). As the cells rise to the surface they gradually die and become filled with keratin. These keratinized skin cells are essential because they give our skin its protective quality. But they are constantly sloughing off to make way for younger cells. As we age the process of cell turnover slows down. Cells start to build up unevenly on the skins surface, giving it a dry, rough, dull appearance.

One of the key benefits to regular professional facials is to help you reveal healthier more radiant skin.
Exfoliation delivers a tighter, firmer, smoother look and feel of skin.

1. Why exfoliate?

When done correctly, exfoliation is an important part of both facial and body treatments to leave the skin feeling smoother and fresher looking. Exfoliation removes the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skins outermost surface (epidermis). It stimulates the production of new skin cells and collagen and makes it easier for facial products like serums and lotions to penetrate.

Mechanical Exfoliation. The dead skin cells are physically rubbed off with an abrasive. Examples of mechanical exfoliation include
  •  Scrubs (with sugar, salts, coffee grinds or seeds) should use small, round, gentle abrasives like jojoba beads. Stay away from something harsh like apricot scrubs, which can cause micro-tears in your skin.

  • Rub-off cream (gommage mechanical peel) that you apply in a thin layer, let dry for a few minutes, then rub the product off and it takes the dead skin with it.

  • Brush (rotary bristles)
2. Common types of exfoliation

Microdermabrasion is a process that is achieved by using a highly controlled spray of fine micro-crystals under pressure and vacuum. It is also available in crystal-free, or diamond-tip. Most effective as a series of 4-6 treatments, this procedure acts to remove the outermost layer of skin by a gentle abrasion or a polishing type process. (feels very similar to a rough cats tongue) Microdermabrasion is effective in reducing fine lines, fine crows feet, mild age spots and superficial acne scars and acne marks.

Chemical Peels.These provide a deep detoxifying and cleansing effect without being overly irritating to most skin types. This treatment stimulates blood circulation and renews the cellular systems to help brighten and clarify your complexion. Results have shown that long-term use of chemical peels encourages the stimulation of collagen growth in the skin, which slows the development of lines, wrinkles and sagging skin

Types of Chemical Peels. Enzymes (biological or herbal), alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) or betahydroxy acids (BHAS) loosen the glue-like substance that holds the cells together, allowing them to slough away. These facial peels are a form of chemical exfoliation. Chemical peels can either be very gentle or very aggressive, depending on how the strong the peel is. Body treatments might use mild chemical exfoliants like pineapple enzymes.

3. What you need to know about exfoliation

Over-exfoliation triggers the inflammatory response, leading to a compromised lipid barrier that wont function properly, a sensitized skin condition, and accelerated premature aging.
  • Talk to a good esthetician about the product and frequency that is best for your skin. Be extra careful when exfoliating delicate skin of your face. Its easy to over-exfoliate.

  • Over use of peels can remove too much of your protective layer and end up exposing the living dermis.

  • Microdermabrasion can make thin, aging skin even thinner if you get too many treatments too quickly.

  • Avoid the sun after microdermabrasion or peels.

  • Never use body scrubs on the face. Theyre too rough.

  • Never wax if youve had a peel recently. It might expose raw, living skin, which will have to scab over to heal.
4. How often should you get a facial?

It is recommended that you get a facial with each change of season, or every three months or so. Your skin reacts to the changing seasons and it is important to ensure that you are continuing to use products appropriate for what your skin is requiring. For example, when the season gets colder, you will notice changes in your skin as well. Oily skin may become more normal, or those normal skin types might feel their skin is suddenly drying out. In the Spring, you may notice dulling of your complexion from the build up of dry skin cells. In the summer, you may experience break-outs from the higher humidity and sweating. Consulting a skin care specialist who can analyze your skin on the spot or during your facial treatment can help ensure that you are following the proper skin care regime for your particular needs.

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Weight Loss Ideas for Women 5 Dieting Tips

By Stephen Scott Erickson

Coming up with a healthy eating plan can be difficult when youre dieting. Youll need to plan ahead and prepare early to have satisfying meals without ruining your diet. There are many weight loss ideas for women on the internet, as well as in diet books and magazines.

However, no dieting plan is suitable for everybody, which is why youll need a healthy diet program that fits your habits, nutritional needs, body requirements and the types of food that you enjoy.

Popular diet foods for women include leafy green vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and soup. These foods are healthy; theyll help you lose weight and they can be delicious, but they can get dull when eaten for long periods of time.

Read on to find 5 Weight Loss Tips:

5. Use New Recipes for Variety
4. Make Extra, Store it for Later
3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give
2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat
1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the Veggies

5. Use New Recipes for Variety: Use new recipes for a lot of variation. Salad recipes like tuna pasta salad, lime and coriander salad, broccoli salad, and chick pea and tomato salad are some healthy weight loss recipes.

4. Make Extra, Store it for Later: These recipes are easy to follow and prepare. Make large amounts of your recipes, and store them in zip lock bags or air tight containers so that it can be eaten later.

3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give: Vegetables are a great meal complement, the amount of energy needed to digest some vegetables are more than the energy that they provide, and therefore they help to burn fat.

Some examples of these low-calorie veggies are asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Beans, lentils and peas also support healthy weight loss, theyre a good source of fiber that helps burn fat.

2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat: Lean meats and fish are great sources of protein, they have less fat than red meats, and they provide energy that lasts longer than carbohydrates like bread and pasta. Also, fish has healthy fats called omega fatty acid that helps your body and brain.

Recipes like tandoori chicken wrap, grilled fish, herb chicken, mushroom burgers, fish cakes, turkey wraps, etc. are great recipes that are healthy and satisfying. There are many recipes available on the internet, and you get to choose what tastes best.

More great meal ideas for women are soups, pizza, sandwiches, pasta and wraps. Soup can be reheated and can be a good source of nutrients. You can bring it to work where its easily reheated. Pizza can be healthy if you choose lean meat, low-fat cheese, and vegetables as toppings.

1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the Veggies: Pasta and sandwiches can be weight loss friendly foods when you choose whole wheat bread and dough. Wraps are fun to make, delicious and can easily be stored. Theyre recommended for healthy weight loss.

Use chicken, turkey and fish for toppings and fillings, then add the vegetables. Wraps are versatile. There are many recipes and variations like turkey wraps, spring rolls, spinach wraps, and tomato wraps.

The Fast 5 Weight Loss Tips:

5. Use New Recipes for Variety
4. Make Extra, Store it for Later
3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give
2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat
1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the Veggies

Try these 5 lunch weight loss ideas for women to start losing weight easily and quickly. Go on the internet to get other free diet recipes similar to the ones listed here that are delicious and nutritious. You can also use the internet or library to choose a good quality weight loss plan or diet, that you can stick with to reach your goal weight.

Hi, Im Scott Erickson, and I wrote this article.
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Monday 21 April 2014

Water Fiter Pitchers Providing Clean and Cold Water at Low Cost

People nowadays have become a lot more health conscious and have been trying to make better choices when it comes to nutritional habits. One area that is very important and that deserves special attention is the water we drink and cook with.

Most of us live in cities and therefore have access to municipal tap water which is treated for microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. But tap water may still contain other impurities such as various harmful metals and pesticides. In addition, chemicals such as chlorine used during treatment may leave in tap water some unpleasant taste. Water filtering pitchers and dispensers can be used to improve the quality of your tap water.

Water filter pitchers and dispensers can get rid of many types of impurities from your tap water and make it regain its pleasant taste and transparency. The filters used by these filtering pitchers and dispensers are made of activated carbon and ion exchange resin. The activated carbon filters the chlorine used in tap water treatment, certain pesticides that may have remained in the water, and other organic impurities. The ion exchange resin restores pleasant taste, removes odors, and softens the water by reducing the presence of limestone and metals such as lead, aluminum and copper. Filtering a liter (about 4.2 cups) of water with a filtering pitcher usually takes from three to four minutes.

Water filter pitchers come in various types and sizes. The smaller sized models have the advantage of nicely fitting into your refrigerator door. On the other hand, water filtering dispensers have much larger capacities and therefore can only be placed on refrigerator shelves that have enough space to accommodate them.
Most water filtering pitchers and dispensers are equipped with built-in indicators that show when the filter needs to be changed.

The most popular water filter pitcher and dispenser brands are Brita, PUR, Clear2o, ZeroWater and Mavea. Here is a summary of where the different brands excel:

Most thorough filtering: ZeroWater (uses a 5-stage filtration system).

Fastest filtering: Clear2o (uses a hose for filling which speeds the filtering process).

Longest filter duration: Clear2o (note however that the harder a filter works the shorter it lasts).

Best taste: Mavea and Clear2o (though the other brands produce quite acceptable taste).

Largest capacity: Brita, PUR and ZeroWater dispensers.

Best designs: Brita and Mavea (some models come in various colors)..

It has been estimated that a small family using water filter pitchers or dispensers would be spending per year a tenth of the dollar amount that it would need to spend to buy bottled water. Of course, for larger families using more water, the savings would be even bigger! By filtering your own water, you will both be saving money, and helping the environment by eliminating plastic waste from discarded water bottles.

The author lives in Montreal. He worked for many years as a professional engineer for a major telecommunication company. He has written and published on various platforms many articles on technology and gadgets, healthy living and gourmet cooking.

For a detailed analysis, product comparison and product recommendation of the best and most popular water filter pitchers and dispensers, please visit:

Compare Water Filter Pitchers

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Diet Tips for Men Over 40

Once we reach a certain age (and I certainly fall well into the "men over 40" bracket), dieting becomes less easy. What worked in our younger years - always assuming we needed to diet at all, rather than just maybe skip breakfast - doesnt seem anywhere near as effective. So what can you do to get rid of that not-so-pretty beer belly and the man boobs?

Keep a food diary for a couple of days

This maybe boring but its quite easy.

And - so long as youre honest with yourself and dont quietly "forget" to write down all the crisps and chocolate bars and cans of pop and other quick drinks - its probably the easiest place to spot where you can cut the calories and almost not notice.

Once youve jotted down absolutely everything youve eaten over the last couple of days, its time to examine it.

Most people who do this find that one or two things almost leap off the page at them.

It could be the two or three teaspoons of sugar in every cup of tea or coffee.

It could be the "essential" chocolate bar or cream cake (or both).

Or it could just be that all the portions are super-sized at an absolute minimum.

And those are the places to start. Because its fairly easy to either downsize some of the portions youre eating or reduce your intake of other things like sugar or take one less drink after work or whatever.

Take a look for the "wrong" calories

These could be empty calories like the ones found in beer and other alcohol.

Or they could be hidden sugar - read up on all the words on the label that sneaky manufacturers use to disguise just how much sugar theyre adding. Sugar, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, corn syrup, etc. etc, etc.

And if its sugars dont think that switching to diet drinks will work. Our bodies havent got a clue about saccharin or any of the other artificial sweeteners so we react as though theyre real sugar. With consequences that arent exactly favourable for our health.

Fat isnt necessarily bad - it depends which studies you read whether it is or not - but its probably a good idea to reduce it in your diet. Which could be as simple as switching to lower fat milk, not adding as much milk, not pouring on extra cream, using leaner meat or even using a non-stick pan to reduce the amount of fat you use to cook.

If youre not madly overweight, doing just those few things could set you on the path to being a new, lighter, you with almost no effort.

If youre quite a few pounds heavier than you should be, take a closer look at portion size and calorie counts. Preferably before your doctor gives you an ultimatum.

The good news is that small adjustments to your diet can be very easy to make and can have a lasting, positive, impact.

So resolve to at least look at them and ideally actually do something about it!

For more information, check out this article on real world weight loss.

And if youre in or near Cheltenham, feel free to give me a call.

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Sunday 20 April 2014

Easy Ways to Assess Your Health

When seeking to understand and evaluate your health, there are some key things we should all look at. Strength, height and weight, clothes size, and stress levels just to name a few. And while these things certainly matter, there are some other pieces of the wellness pie that we need to consider when looking at holistic health. Check them out below.

 Essential Numbers

When was the last time you had blood work done? Have you been putting off your yearly physical because you are afraid of what your doctor might say? It is critical that you know and understand your own personal health as indicated by blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Knowing these will help you establish an effective plan for better health and wellness, and it will give you a baseline from which to base your progress. So educate yourself, and aim for healthy ranges.

Recovery Time

How long does it take you to bounce back from a tough workout, from climbing a set of stairs, from doing 20 jumping jacks? Knowing how quickly you recover and regain a normal, unlabored breathing pattern can be a great indicator of your current fitness level. If you are huffing and puffing for minutes post-workout, keep up the good work and shoot for progress. If you can go for a hike and maintain stable breathing, you might be better off than you thought. Whatever your current state of health, there is always room for progress or different goals.

Waist Circumference

Waist circumference can indicate your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Seek the help of a medical professional in identifying what is appropriate for your height and frame. Belly fat seems to be the most dangerous, as it is strongly associated with the chronic diseases mentioned above. So work on getting stronger, leaner, and holistically healthier. Consult your chiropractor for a wellness plan today!

Sleep Time

Are you getting enough sleep each night? If youre sacrificing sleep to get up early for work or a workout, you may be doing your health a disservice. Being tired and worn out is not a sign of good health. Sleep is an essential part of the wellness puzzle, which is why getting a solid seven hours minimum each night is crucial for health. If you are not properly rested, it can affect your performance at work and at the gym. Setting up a routine bedtime is a great way to train your body to get an appropriate amount of rest, giving you the energy you need to make it through the day.

Always consult your physician or other health care professional before seeking treatment or taking related advice herein.

This article was written for The Joint McDowell Mountain Ranch at 15035 N Thompson Peak Pkwy e103 Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Click chiropractor Scottsdale for more locations near you.

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Saturday 19 April 2014

Women How To Tone Your Upper Arms

 Maybe youve been doing exercises repeatedly, youre not getting desired results from your arms and you need to know about the good ways to tone your upper arms. Your arm is not only made up of only one type of muscle, biceps, but theres another, the triceps!

If you wish to have muscular arms and a muscular look when wearing sleeveless shirts, you need to know and understand that the triceps muscle makes up 2/3 of your arm. To have big muscles, you need to do a hard workout.

Every time you exercise, use a heavier weight or increase the number of repetitions. The first way, using heavier weights, activates the fast-twitch muscle fibers. While the second way, increasing the number of repetitions, the slow-twitch fibers are used.

Biceps and triceps muscles are fast-twitch type that will have a big advantage if you apply additional load every workout. Use the resistance where you can only do 6-8 reps. These muscles will be tired, because it was done with a short but hard workout.

In a few weeks, use light weights occasionally so that your muscles can not guess / get used to the load to be lifted and will certainly stimulate your muscles to start to grow. Well, if you are doing the same workout every day, your muscles will get tired and familiar. You will notice that muscle growth is very, very small or even not at all after some time. Your muscles get bored and adaptable, so adding variety to challenge your muscles is essential. Variations can be either type of exercise, weight used, repetitions or also the tool used.

Try to imagine if you practice just a barbell, then replaced with dumbbells or a cable machine. The focus of these tools, the load angle or detail the actually work different muscles. Occasionally you also need to replace half of your load normally and then do reps up to 20-30 times until your muscles feel very sore.

Triceps and Biceps muscles can be trained from different sides so that your overall muscle trained. When you do one type of exercise, try to feel the triceps or biceps muscle which is the most severe. As described earlier, the biceps and the triceps muscle is a type of muscle that needs to be trained hard and heavy although not too much repetition. To support a hard workout, you need to know certain techniques to increase the intensity.

People target their upper arms usually for insecurity reasons when it comes to wearing a sleeveless dress. No need to panic, you just do light exercises to address the fat in the arm.

The trick, grab a chair and lean on the wall. Then, take the position will sit right on the lips chair. Put your arms behind your body, with your palms touching the seat horizontally. When performing this technique, the body weight is concentrated on this part of your arm. Then, do the movement up and down, without shifting your arm. Do this exercise three times a week.

Hammer curls

This technique works the biceps muscle in the arm. You can use objects that are considered heavy, like a dumbbell. This exercise can be done standing or sitting position. Slowly lift the dumbbell up to your elbows bent. Hold for a few seconds. It is intended that biceps muscle to contract, then lower the weight to the starting position. The key to this exercise is to keep the arm in order not to move.

Arm circles

This is the most straightforward and simple exercise. You just do the twist towards the front and back of the hand. This exercise can certainly strengthen and shape your arm muscles properly. For maximum results, you can add a small dumbbell while exercising. Stretch your hands. Start with a small round movement towards the front for two to five minutes. Then, do the rounds in the direction opposite. Now you know how to tone your upper arms and now you only need to implement and practice all of these tips above.
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Friday 18 April 2014

Whats the Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Everyone wants to know what is the best way to lose belly fat. But the loss of abdominal fat is a long and difficult process, which is full of uncertainty, because there is no formula for loss of belly fat that works for everyone. But one thing is clear from the beginning - how you look and how you want to view. Get from start to finish, whatever your goal may seem almost impossible, but if you take one step at a time, does not seem impossible.

What is the best way to lose belly fat?

One of the mistakes trying to lose fat fast. You need to realize the faster you try to lose weight, you probably collapse. It adopted a gradual approach, analyzing everything you do and your progress is a much better option because you are less likely to fail.

For some reason, most people expect, abdominal fat can be very good if you plan to lose about nutrition and exercise. But its never good all the time and everyone has moments when progress stops. The question then is what is being done to overcome them? Unfortunately, most people give up quickly when things do not go well. But few people are able to overcome these high levels of weight loss that occurs from time to time. Why?

Well, because they do not think that negative results, how not to lose weight are failures. They see it as feedback. Obviously, if you do not lose more weight, then something is wrong. The only way to know the information to study the problem and determine what is the problem.

If you lose belly fat or if you do not lose belly fat, you are constantly comments. Determine how to interpret the return, how fast you lose weight or lose weight at all. For example, you can a lot of comments, if you measure your body fat percentage, and then separated from the total weight in pounds of fat and pounds of muscle.

If you do this, then you can easily know exactly how much fat you lose. If you lose muscle with fat, the problem could be that your calorie intake is too low. The best way to lose belly fat to use as much feedback as possible, make the right decisions.
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The Path to Healthy Weight Loss

By Jake Chappelle 

The U.S. has one of the worlds biggest obesity populations. Every one out of four adults are classified as obese, and that figure continues to rise. Obesity is also linked to health issues including diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure. Obesity can also cause a hindrance on the joints, which can result back, knee, and ankle issues.

Now, there are many different fad diets and workout programs that promote healthy weight loss. However, the main issue with these is that theyre temporary. Sure, youll lose weight, but theres always an end game.

Youll see products that promise that youll lose X amount of pounds in 30 days, or "give us 60 days and youll be on your way to a new you." But what happens after the 60 days? You guessed it! The pounds start piling back on faster than you lose them. All of that hard work, effort, and motivation gets flushed away faster than a public restroom latrine, and youre back at square one.

But this doesnt mean that healthy weight loss cant be a permanent change. Nevertheless, your approach to losing weight may need to change.

One of the keys to successful healthy weight loss begins with changing your lifestyle. The road to proper health isnt a 60-day trip, but a life long journey. And like all journeys, youll have your ups and downs, but if you remember the "why" then nothing can stop you, except for your doubts.

Now, nobody is saying that you have to be exclusive to rice cakes and water for the rest of your life. In fact, having fun is a crucial factor in attaining healthy weight loss! If you cant have fun or have an incentive, then youll never stick to it.

There are many ways you can slowly incorporate a better living and you dont have to choose them all:

Have concise, realistic, and short and long-term goals

Too many people want to simply "lose weight" or "look good naked." While these are encouraging goals, theres no way to truly attain them because they cant be measured. But losing 20 pounds by March 1 or dropping my body fat down to 10 percent is attainable and measurable. Also, if youre satisfied with the results, then you work on maintaining them. All of your goals dont need to include healthy weight loss. A ambition can be to enter a bodybuilding contest or participate in an Ironman competition by this time next year. But be sure to be realistic with your goals. If your body looks like a sumo wrestler, then you most likely wont make the next Summer Olympics. But you can certainly want to be a little closer to watching your kids grow up.

Join a gym, health club, or social club

If your budget allows it, most gyms both mom-and-pop and commercial have pretty good fitness equipment. A lot of the national chains offer various first-timer discounts throughout the year, especially during holidays.
Most of these places have in-house or contracted personal trainers who can at least get you off to a good head with the proper basics of fitness and nutrition. Fitness platforms such as CrossFitTM have trainers and coaches who, not only build your workouts, but are with you for every one of them. Most big fitness centers offer group classes and daycare as well. Also check out your local "Y" for classes.

If you cant afford a gym membership, improvise...

If you have a room with some space, you can definitely still get a great workout without even leaving the house. Fitness equipment like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, jump rope, and a pull-bar can be bought at competitive prices and can be a cheaper long-term investment compared to a gym membership. You may have to invest more up front for equipment, but its only a one-shot deal as opposed to ongoing gym payments. Once you purchase the equipment, its yours!

Become friends with your local bookstore

Virtually every bookstore has a health and fitness section. Do some research and familiarize yourself with the myriad of healthy weight loss methods and techniques. Even if you have a coach or personal trainer. You might come across something that might to try with them at your next session. Chances are, books that make it to the shelves of a mainstream bookstore have legit content. The key is doing your own investigating on the basics of health and fitness and deciding what works for you.

Involve your spouse, friends, family members, and coworkers

Motivation is a big component to personal success. And what better way to find motivation than from the people closest to you? If they truly care about you and your wellbeing, then they should cheer you on and support you. If they dont, then you may want to reevaluate who your friends are. You might not be able to choose your family, but if they arent helping you, then theyre in your way. Im not suggesting that you cut out your negative family members, but you can certainly limit your contact with them if they arent helping you. Sometimes beginning your own lifestyle change may inspire your friends and family to do it together! That can be even more fun. You can compete for harmless goals, like first person to lower their body fat to 10 percent gets a free beer from the other. Competitions dont have to be rivalries.

Allow yourself a cheat day

Even the most disciplined athletes get cravings. After all, theyre still human like you and me. If you totally deny yourself a guilty pleasure every now and then, you wont stick to your plan. Choose a day during the week, preferably one where you dont have any workouts. I prefer Saturday, because its my relaxing day. I dont have to worry about what Im eating. I just enjoy the day without any worries. Seize the day and indulge yourself in any way you choose.

Play intramural sports

Being active in club sports including, softball, rugby, running and biking groups, martial arts, and hockey are great ways to burn calories and also add an incentive of staying in shape. At the same time one can meet new people who are interested the same hobbies.

Social media

There are many social media sites, communities, groups, and forums where members inspire, share their stories, and offer tips for healthy weight loss. And the great thing about them is most are free!

Be patient...

Rome wasnt built in a day. I know its a cliché, but the reason why is because its true. No one said it would be easy, but you have to realize all great things take time. They say it takes about 21 days to develop a new habit. You dont have to (and shouldnt) try to change everything at once Allow yourself time to slowly adapt. Take yourself back to when you were at you most fit. Now imagine, however long its been, how you would look if you had been living healthy from then on. Scary, right? Well it isnt too late. Remember why youre choosing the healthy lifestyle in the first place.

These are just some of the hundreds of ways one can integrate healthy weight loss into their lifestyle. But the first thing you need to do is take action!

Jake Chappelle has been in the fitness industry for more than a decade. Hes dedicated to helping people achieve their health and wellness goals.

For more information on healthy weight loss and how to take the first step in starting your new lifestyle, visit

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Thursday 17 April 2014

Freeze belly fat procedures

CoolSculptinng before and after pictures Belly Fat Reduction 40 Days

CoolSculptinng before and after pictures Belly Fat Reduction 40 Days

Freezing Your Fat Off  8 Weeks Later

Freezing Your Fat Off 8 Weeks Later



 to the abdomen to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat from stomach

to the abdomen to freeze and eliminate stubborn fat from stomach

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Belly fat removal

Fat Removal Procedures Institute of Non Surgical Belly Fat Removal

Fat Removal Procedures Institute of Non Surgical Belly Fat Removal



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Lipotranz - your best body now

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Belly Fat Removal | How “Beat Your Belly Fat” Can Help People Get



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Wednesday 16 April 2014

Lose belly fat pills sold on tv

Guide Lose belly fat pills sold on tv

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Investing in your Future, Health & Well Being Naturally"

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Lil' Zoey lives in Portland with her Ma & Pa (Zoey's Pa is my nephew).

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Belly Fat Diet - How to Choose a Diet to Lose Belly Fat

Foods that help you lose the dangerous belly fat, You are what you eat and if you have belly fat, you are endangering your health with your food choices. research has shown that it is not just about endlessly. Fat loss factor - learn how to lose weight fast | burn fat, Learn how to lose a quick 25 pounds without diet pills or difficult exercises, and how to burn 12 inches of belly fat by spending only a few minutes a week using the. Lose belly fat: dr. oz's 5 tips for a flatter stomach, Low-glycemic-index foods people with chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol tend to carry excess visceral fat. foods that are high on the.

How to lose belly fat: tips for a flatter stomach, Do you have too much belly fat? changing that may be as simple as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. webmd shares what works.. How to lose belly fat, flatten your stomach & get abs in 5, See how to lose belly fat & burn enough total body fat to get your abs to show by following tips to lose belly fat and a workout plan to get abs fast. Lose belly fat | ebay - electronics, cars, fashion, Find great deals on ebay for lose belly fat and belly fat burner. shop with confidence.. Foods that help you lose the dangerous belly fat, You are what you eat and if you have belly fat, you are endangering your health with your food choices. research has shown that it is not just about endlessly. Fat loss factor - learn how to lose weight fast | burn fat, Learn how to lose a quick 25 pounds without diet pills or difficult exercises, and how to burn 12 inches of belly fat by spending only a few minutes a week using the. Lose belly fat: dr. oz's 5 tips for a flatter stomach, Low-glycemic-index foods people with chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol tend to carry excess visceral fat. foods that are high on the.

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