
Thursday 1 May 2014

How Do I Lose The Weight I Want

This question is asked by many people at some point in their lives. As we get older we become heavier as our bodies change or our lifestyle changes. Our metabolism slows down. We slow down and as we do, we gain weight.

Many diets are suggested to help us reduce this excess weight and for some people they will work, but be aware that some diets are dangerous as they are lacking in proper nutrients that our bodies need. They may also be boring or expensive which is why many people dont stay on them for a long time.

If you really want to lose weight, there are some steps that you can incorporate into your life now which will let you reduce weight at a slow sustainable pace.

To start, you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. These are low in calories (usually) and contain fibre which gives you a full feeling. They also contain vitamins and other elements essential not only for weight loss but for overall good health.

Drinking water is another key to weight loss. Water again, fills you up so you wont eat as much during your meals. Water also helps the body to flush out any toxins and waste that your body produces.

You should also eat protein, mainly from meats. Protein is essential for good health and helps build lean muscle which burns fat in your body. Muscles work harder which means that they require more energy which can be produced from your bodys fat store.

Avoiding some types of carbohydrates is also a good strategy to help you lose weight. Now you do need some carbohydrates in your diet as well as some fat as they help the body to function properly. Too many carbohydrates such as bread, cereals and many snack foods are not the type of carbohydrates that your body needs.

You also need to exercise when on your weight loss plan. This doesnt need to be strenuous exercise, simple brisk walking is fine as long as you do it for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. A walk after dinner or walking to work or school would be okay. If that is not possible, then just walking whenever the opportunity presents itself would be okay.

Keeping a weight loss journal is a very good idea to help you lose weight. Many people are unaware of what they eat on a daily basis. By keeping a journal, you can see what foods need to be replaced by healthier choices.

By following these steps you can lose the weight you want and these changes can become a part of the necessary lifestyle changes that you can keep for a long time.

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Advanced Workouts For Abs and Core

Advanced Workouts For Not Only Abs and Core, but Full Body

I received a question today from a Sergeant who was looking for high intensity workouts with some work for abs, core, and full body to take his team of 30+ soldiers to a new level of fitness in preparation for their PT testing.
He basically said that the men had reached a plateau in their training and needed something really high intensity to take them to the next level.
My response is below...Keep in mind that this workout I gave him uses bodyweight-only exercises, however, it is VERY intense and for people looking for advanced fitness levels.
With that said, keep in mind that if youre not yet at an advanced level, you can still use this by simply using the basic format of the workout, and just do less of whatever exercises you struggle with, or choose an easier alternate exercise thats similar.
Here goes...
"Hi J****. To get your soldiers to that next level in their workouts, were going to keep the intensity super high here and use the whole body. Keep rest periods short, and use full-body multijoint movements as much as possible.
Ill give you a killer workout idea below that not only incorporates abs and entire core, but the entire body as well in an intense fashion. Not sure what (if any) equip you have available, so Ill give you a great workout thats bodyweight based. Heres an example to take your men through:
Start with a 2-3 min warmup of light jogging, jumping jacks, or jump rope.
Then, move through these exercises in circuit fashion, one right after the other with only 10 seconds rest between each (repeat the circuit 3-5 times for a killer total body workout):
1. bodyweight squats - 12 reps
2. plyo pushups (clapping) - 10 reps
3. walking lunges up 6 steps and back 6 steps
4. floor mountain climbers for 30 seconds
5. lunge jumps - 6 reps to each side
6. lying leg thrusts (abs) on floor - 12 reps
7. squat jumps - 8 reps

8. side plank hold 30 seconds one side, then 30 sec opposite side
Rest 2 min after each circuit; repeat circuit 3-5x

If that doesnt get them through the plateau and ready for the next PT test, nothing will!

If you want to check out a site that has over 5,000 workoutsevery goal imaginable, check this out: Thousands of Workouts
Also, grab a free report on the truth about losing body fat and abs workouts at Ab Workout Secrets, Abdominal Exercises

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Wednesday 30 April 2014

What You Need To Know About Shoulder Overuse Injury

By Tim Brown

If you engage in a type of work or a hobby requiring repetitive arm motion, you may develop shoulder overuse injury. If you are a victim of shoulder overuse injury, you are aware that it causes intense pain.

Our high-tech society, where we repetitively click a mouse or play games on the computer contributes to shoulder overuse. Even the medical profession isnt immune to shoulder injuries caused by years of pulling, tugging and lifting patients. Golfers consistently stress rotator cuff muscles.

Shoulder Structure

Your shoulder provides the link between three bones. These are the humerus bone in the upper arm, the collarbone or clavicle, and the shoulder blade or scapula.

These bones are surrounded by tendons, muscles and ligaments that form portions of two important joints: the acromioclavicular joint is located between the clavicle and scapula; between the glenoid and humerus is the glenohumeral joint.

Rotator cuff injury is a frequent ailment that arises from overuse of the shoulder. The three most common disorders of the rotator cuff are rotator cuff impingement syndrome, tendonitis, and tearing.

The Rotator Cuff

Your rotator cuff consists of four muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. Working as a team, the rotator cuff muscles help stabilize your shoulder joint. Four smaller tendons bond to fashion the rotator cuff tendon. In turn, the rotator cuff tendon connects to the humerus or upper arm bone.

The rotator cuff tendon runs through the subacromial space, which is a gap under the acrominon. The acrominon is the highest point of the scapula or shoulder blade.

Shoulder Impingement

Impingement, in laymans terms, means pinched. Pinching of shoulder joints can be caused by repetitive movements using incorrect methodology or trying to do too much at a time. Injuries from overuse take place over a period of time.

When tendons become impinged, this can induce inflammation known as tendonitis. Impingement of the rotator cuff tendon can occur where the tendon goes through the subacromial space.

Another common result of overuse is bursitis. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that helps to protect bones and tendons. A bursa can also become inflamed when pinched.

What are Common Symptoms of Shoulder Overuse?

If your rotator cuff is damaged, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

- You have problems moving your shoulder in one or more directions. - Pain in the shoulder makes sleeping difficult. - You are experiencing shooting pains that affect the back or front of the shoulder. - You feel muscular pain in your shoulder and upper arm. - You feel muscular pain in your upper arm on the outside.

As your shoulder overuse injury developed over a period of time, symptoms occur progressively and worsen without treatment:

1) The top or front of the shoulder are hurting you. 2) Your shoulder aches each morning when you wake up. 3) There is swelling or numbness in the shoulder, or you have a tingling sensation. 4) Pain increases when you lift or extend your arm. 5) You have difficulty moving your arm freely. 6) The muscles in your shoulder are weaker.

Treating Shoulder Injuries

Non-invasive treatment is preferred for shoulder injuries. You should rest and avoid repetitive activities. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually taken for 6-8 weeks under doctor supervision. Cold therapy can also be beneficial.

Improving blood flow to the damaged tissue by means of ultrasound might also be recommended by your doctor. Physical therapy given by a qualified therapist can be beneficial, and your doctor may suggest cortisone injections.

If these treatments fail to cure the condition, it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

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Is Good Health Important to Physicians

To step aside from the topic of finance here and spend just a small amount of time on the concept of health. The reason why I think its so important that we have a brief discussion about this is that obviously the maintenance of your good health will mean that you are able to continue doing the profession of medicine without being interrupted. Obviously, we all cannot predict whether or not we will have an unforeseen health crisis. Yet, we can be logical and smart about taking good care of ourselves and actually practice preventative medicine on the worst patients in the population - us physicians.

Everyone needs to listen to me when I say become established with a regular primary care physician and then visit that physician on a yearly basis. I know everybodys busy. I know everyone knows everything about medicine. Blah blah blah. Go see a primary physician on a yearly basis! You need to have an objective opinion by someone that can monitor your health without bias. They will ask you the right questions and "review your systems" better than you can ever do. They will think of things that you dont think about.

Common medical problems can be diagnosed early versus late. For example, instead of having to take three separate medications for high blood pressure, all you have to take is one medication because you caught the disease when you are 35, not when you were 55. Go see your doctor!

A simple thought here: Fruits and Vegetables! Drink more water and less soda. Doing these things is not easy. It actually does take some thought and planning, however it is sooooooo healthy. Picture this (and I know that we all can). If you start doing this now, you wont be the old man or the old woman whos complaining about the fact that youre not regular. I had an old professor when I was in medical school who used to say that when you get old, all you really care about is having a good bowel movement. Dont be this guy!

Exercise if you are able. Any type of exercise on a regular basis is worthwhile. You dont have to do P90X. Just make sure that your doing something that increases your heart rate. My wife and I really enjoy running, but walking or bike riding is perfectly fine.

Stop smoking and drinking too much alcohol. If you are a physician and you smoke, I dont get it. Youve got to quit. Hopefully this is an obvious recommendation, however Im often very surprised at how many physicians Ive known who smoke. I just feel very fortunate to have never started that habit. But one thing I say to all smokers is that I believe the best way to stop is quitting cold turkey. All the people that Ive known that ever quit for good actually just quit cold turkey. In regards to alcohol, obviously moderation is the key.
Enough said.

So why am I preaching good health to the people that should know the most about good health? If Ive reached just one person with this topic with anything of value, Ive accomplished my goal. I want us all to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. Live long and prosper!

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Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Common Uses of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a natural product produced from the tamarind fruit, which resembles a tiny pumpkin. The fruit contains tons of anti-oxidants and other ingredients that play an important role in combating fat.
Furthermore, the fruit helps to reduce the effects of aging. The anti-oxidants present are very important since they attack the free radicals responsible for causing disease and building fat cells that may be present in the body. Cambogia supplements are recommended for burning fat, suppressing appetite and boosting energy. According to respected nutritionists and medical doctors, the fully researched health benefits of garcinia are the main reason why the fruit is recommended to people looking for opportunities to improve their health naturally while seeking to stay fit over the long-term. The common uses of garcinia include:

· Popular cuisine
The garcinia is important to human beings because it is commonly used in cooking. Apart from being used in Ayurvedic medicine, garcinia has been a popular ingredient used in Indian cuisine for many centuries now.

· Management of weight
The key ingredient present in the garcinia in hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is widely used in weight control supplements. The HCA present in the fruit inhibits fatty acids from being formed and thus less fat is produced to the cells. Furthermore, according to studies, the HCA suppresses appetite. Over-the-counters weight loss supplements offer HCA in doses of 250 to 1,000 mg three times daily. The HCA is often available in different forms, including powders, capsules, snack bars and tablets. The garcinia supplements contain fixed percentages of HCA.

· Enhance emotional & mental health
Apart from supporting sustainable weight control and physical health, garcinia plays an important role in enhancing emotional and mental health- with these three being inherently interconnected. The fruit helps to support the regulation of stress hormone cortisol, which helps an individual to cope better with their daily stressful activities and boosting the levels of serotonin. The HCA present in the fruit helps to raise the serotonin levels in the brain cells. This important chemical helps to regulate the mood, sleep and appetite. The elevated levels play an important role in curbing hunger and eliminating food cravings. Therefore, by lifting depression, the serotonin reduces emotional eating habits that often lead to overweight tendencies.

The serotonin is critical in neurotransmitter, which plays an important role in balancing mood and generating a sense of happiness and wellbeing. Improved mental and emotional health is an important component in any weight loss program. Anyone looking for results within weeks can consider administering this powerful and natural extract.

We provide the best info about garcinia cambogia reviews. For further details please visit the provided link.

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Do You Need Media Fast

Fasting is defined as willingly abstaining from something for a period of time. It is most popularly used in the terms of food, but really can be applied to anything in life. Fasting not only gives us a chance to get away from something, but also the clarity and silence that may be needed in order to really figure out what is going on with our lives. 

So what is media fast?  Readers of this blog may have some kind of intermittent fasting experience.   For beginners, it may means not eating until noon. For others, it means only eating within an 8-hour window each day and fasting the other 16. Others fast for a full 24 hour period once a week.  As for myself, I eat once every 24 hours.  There are numerous other approaches as well.  

What about media fast?

In Hong Kong at the Mass Transit Railways stations, there are all kinds of announcements.  Recently I notice an interesting one – ‘please mind the steps when using the escalators, do not only look at your mobile phone’.  In deed, the way Hong Kong people get addicted to their iPhone, iPad, iPod, i…everything is in a somewhat morbid state.  I’ve seen someone when getting off a bus, his eyes were still on his phone with fingers moving, perhaps composing an email.  In fact, I don’t see anything that cannot be deferred for a few seconds in order to get off the bus safely or use the escalator in a more safely manner. 

Over a social dinner, there was almost no interaction between my friend and me, because her attention was only on her iphone and ipad…that’s why I could only propose buffet when she invites me to eat.  That way I can focus on food, and she can focus on anything she loves.  Isn’t the morbid usage of media seriously affecting our lives?   

In fact, the excessive use of media does not only happen in Hong Kong, it’s a worldwide scenario.  If you can live a better life going on food fasting, are you able to survive without media for a period of time at least each day and regain control of how you want to spend your time, in a more positive way?  Here are a few of my suggestions.

Computer Fasting:  Schedule your computer time as needed. Get on, check the emails, respond right away, delete or file, and keep that inbox clean. Read the sites you want to read and then move on. Do it once a day or twice a day. Don’t just come on all day long and wander around the internet, as you could easily waste a whole day and be less productive.
Email Fasting:  When holidaying, set out-of-office alert such as ‘I’m on holiday with no internet access.  If it is urgent please contact…’  Remember, it won’t be the end of the world if people cannot reach you.  There must be ways that things can move on without you.  My former boss used to take us to offsites where there were practically no mobile connection of any kind (except Inmarsat).
Cell Phone Fasting: Do not make phone call unless it is extremely time sensitive.  Only answer phone calls from important people, whom you are expecting them to call.  Turn off the phone for a few hours a day (at least when you are eating or meeting). These are precious moments in your life that could be used for whatever you want them to be, instead of just talking to people who are looking to kill some time and gossip. Nothing is that urgent.  Do not make excuses such as ‘what if someone calls to inform my house is on fire or the day care centre calls for emergency’.
News Fasting: Check the head pages of Yahoo or MSN in the morning and look at the headlines, anything that is important will be there. Click on it if you find something you want to know more, if not then you’re done for the day. No need to sit through 30 minutes of pure negative energy from the local news. Take control over what information comes into your life, and what does not!
TV Fasting:  Enjoy the shows you like, turn off the TV when they are over.

These are just a few example of how you can apply the practice of fasting to any part of your life. You could fast from negative people, eating out, drinking, information overload, etc and more. Take control of how you want to spend your time, and the only way to know what you want to do is take time to just rest and relax.

I’ve come across a consultant who worked with a university student who was failing her grades. After a review of her schedule and her life, there was no question she was overwhelmed. As a result, her studies were suffering. Her life was so noisy that she had no peace.

The consultant counseled her to fast from all unnecessary input, including some favorite activities. Here is her fasting list.
  1. Stop watching all TV.
  2. Stop all online surfing except for course papers and research purposes.
  3. Fast from Facebook; block all incoming social media notifications.
  4. Completely cease listening to her iPod. Remove those ear buds!
  5. Quit coffee; her caffeine intake was abusive.
  6. Check email only three times a day.
In just 2 weeks, this young woman went from frazzled to calm and peaceful. It was challenging at first, but she was counteracting an addiction.

That’s the point. If you can’t stop checking your email every 3 seconds or Facebooking for hours a day, you are addicted. Those activities can contribute to stress-related illness and cause people to feel overloaded.

If you don’t think you can get rid of the actions that are controlling you, you likely are hooked. It’s time to fast. Fasting can be an easy and effective solution.

Today, review your schedule and decide if you need a media fast.  
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Thursday 24 April 2014

Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days 9 Insider Tips To Help Reach Your Goal

By Tantjes Gumbs 

When it comes to weight loss it seems like everyone is looking for the fastest and easiest way possible to drop those extra pounds. It may be for a wedding or your high school or college reunion. For whatever reasons you are trying to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, you should also have a long term weight loss plan to follow so you dont end up gaining the weight right back.

I should tell you that 95 percent of those who go on these fast weight loss diets will end up gaining the weight right back and some gain even more. Yes you can lose 10 pounds in 7 days but what happens after the 7 days. After the college reunion, are you going to go back to your old eating habits? That is why it is important to set a 7 days weight loss plan and then a realistic plan that is easy to follow after you have lost the 10 pounds so you can either keep it off or lose even more weight.

Remember to consult your doctor before starting ANY weight loss plan.

With that said I will share with you 9 tips on how you can drop those 10 pounds in as little as 7 days.

1. Eliminate carbohydrates from your diet for 7 days.

So no rice, pasta, potatoes or breads. Carbs should never be eliminated from your long term weight loss plan. But if you want to lose 10 pounds fast try to cut out the carbs completely for the next 7 days only.

2. Eat lots of lean proteins such as fish and chicken breast.

This will help you feel full without the added fat and calories and gives your body the energy it needs.

3. Eat lots of leafy greens and vegetables.

Vegetables are low in calories, carbs and fat and they will keep you feeling full.

4. Drink Green Tea.

Green tea contains a chemical called EGCG. Research has shown that this chemical gives your body an energy boost and also lowers your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

5. Drink 1 cup of coffee with your breakfast and lunch.

The caffeine will help boost your metabolism.

6. Spice it up.

Adding spices such as Jalapenos and red/cayenne pepper to you food will also help boost your metabolism.

7. No Salt.

Salt makes your body retain water. If you are trying to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, then you dont want any unnecessary water weight added to you body.

8. Drink lots of water.

Research has shown that half of a litter of water can give you a 30% metabolic boost.

9. Get moving.

I do not recommend you do much heavy exercising when on this diet because you might get light headed because of the little amount of calories you are taking in. But try not to sit too still all day. Simple house work, gardening or a light walk will be enough to get some extra pounds off.

Your diet for the next 7 should look like this:

Breakfast: 3 to 4 egg whites with a bit of red pepper, coffee or green tea

Snack: A low sugar fruit or sugar free yogurt, green tea

Lunch: Lean Protein spiced with red pepper, steamed fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables, coffee or green tea

Snack: A low sugar fruit, green tea

Dinner: Lean Protein with red pepper, leafy green salad (can add tomatoes etc) no salad dressing, add lemon juice instead, decaffeinated green tea.

If you are struggling to Lose 10 Pounds, then take a look at my free ebook that will show you exactly what foods to eat in order for you to melt unwanted body fat away.
Claim Your Free eBook Now

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